Why Can't I Make Another Room In My House?

Payton-Jillian Kingston 31 March 2023

So I'm making a home, and I need to make a garage. And the way I need to do it is to make a room change the flooring to the one I want, add the car that I want, and finally add the garage door. But when I go to make a room it will not let me. So I try to use the "By center" Draw tool, and it doesn't work. Nothing shows up. My mouse doesnt even change. So then I finally try the "By Edge" tool and still, nothing, noting shows, and my mouse doesn't even change. I've saved and refreshed my page. I've restarted my Computer. And nothing works. And I have to do this for a class that I am taking. That is due soon.

Please help, Much needed!

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Denisse Breaux 29 June
Just found out: "Sounds like you may have accidentally locked your walls. I have done this before. Go into your preferences file and look to see if lock walls is enabled. Hope this helps."
Denisse Breaux 29 June
I am having the same issue. I created a multi-room building about a week ago, and now that I am trying to add an internal room within an area it just won't let me. It doesn't work at all. Like you said, the mouse doesn't even reflect a change for that option after clicking on the "draw straight walls", nor the "draw rooms" option. As well, I have saved it multiple times, refreshed, restarted the program and nothing.