need help.

ekaterine kurdadze 24 September 2021

hi, the messurements are only in ft. how can i turn them into meters?

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Homestyler Official 26 September 2021
Thank you Melissa!!!@ Melissa D
How can I change the unit from mm/m to ft? You can click the Setting icon in the upper right corner to open the Preferences window. Also, you can change the measurement unit between mm/cm/m and ft through "File - Preference - Measurement Unit" in the top navigation bar in the design interface of the floor planner. (This was from the top menu-- "Learn"> FAQS) Hope this helps!
Helpful Reply
ekaterine kurdadze 24 September 2021
thank you so much. this really helped.@ Melissa D
How can I change the unit from mm/m to ft? You can click the Setting icon in the upper right corner to open the Preferences window. Also, you can change the measurement unit between mm/cm/m and ft through "File - Preference - Measurement Unit" in the top navigation bar in the design interface of the floor planner. (This was from the top menu-- "Learn"> FAQS) Hope this helps!
Helpful Reply
Melissa D 24 September 2021
How can I change the unit from mm/m to ft? You can click the Setting icon in the upper right corner to open the Preferences window. Also, you can change the measurement unit between mm/cm/m and ft through "File - Preference - Measurement Unit" in the top navigation bar in the design interface of the floor planner. (This was from the top menu-- "Learn"> FAQS) Hope this helps!
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