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If I collected all the Hunt event Roblox limited:

The image shows me what I will look like with those artefacts which are the hunt event Roblox limited items , they have secret powers because they are the rogue one , hacker god’s holy corpse , if collection was completed to the person’s avatar , he / she willl be ultimate life form . Ethan Roblox avatar + those items = ultimate life form : Forgo Le Harbinger of Clock strings , Ice delusional existence , the world , the captain of swords and master of Heavenly requiem . lol if this was character playable Ability: M1 : Frost blade slashes , delusion unleashed: glacier burst .M2 : (counter ) destructive death Compass needle ( parry grab attack ) Blue moon eclipse anti hamon curse dawn planet,Flash Flood explosion Chaos. Ability 1 :Star plantium and the world ! Time stop ( does no dmg but time stop all enemies 0.5 sec ,maximum charged 11 sec , opponent all in vulnerable mode , barrage combo deals extra 50 % -100% dmg on opponent, bypass all defence like block or armour , disorder barrage deals opponent’s 23 % hp - 82 % hp according to the time stop charged is , higher the more damage , cool down 10 sec) , Ability 2 : made in heaven , infinite time acceleration universal reset ( start time acceleration point at x2 , time continuously accelerated as it on , the speed of self can be accelerated according to acceleration time speed , no cooldown but can cancel by pressing back the button ) Ability 3 : requiem , over heaven absolute Zero , reset all cooldowns and undo all actions can be used as counter in lower hp bellow 85 % ( cool down of this ability is 35 sec) ability 4 : Vortex Yamato , realm of reality and false , emanator of the nihility , stun all opponents and deal breaking 47 slashes with Aoe damage 7659 per strike ( cooldown 156 sec , but reduced cool down 83% if critical damage or negative effects on opponents occur ) Ability 5 : finale , INFINITY arc , sword captain , emperor declaration: a utility unique ultimate which boosts stats 1000%

This home design project - If I collected all the Hunt event Roblox limited: was published on 2024-03-31 and was 100% designed by Homestyler Mobile App, which includes 3 popular, exquisite models

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Comments (10)

  • avatar

    Ethan 梁殷諾the great Styler pro Lord

    Also the Anubis Death underworld blade , possessed

    31 March

  • avatar

    Ethan 梁殷諾the great Styler pro Lord

    Obtainable bonus abilities : water smash rock crushing prowl bashing Buffon , the hunt ! Infinite Void , the hollow purple . resounding ninja chariot hypersonic blade . Adventuring the Gambler All or nothing

    31 March

  • avatar

    Ethan 梁殷諾the great Styler pro Lord

    Passive bonus upgrades : D4c , blue screen , love train ( create multiple universes collisions , create invisible barriers which reflect damage 40% to opponent when being hit or not , no range limit and no cooldown or delay , eternal ability )

    31 March

  • avatar

    Ethan 梁殷諾the great Styler pro Lord

    Upgrade 3 alt prophet , omitted : skip time ten seconds

    31 March

  • avatar

    Ethan 梁殷諾the great Styler pro Lord

    Upgrade 3 : Prophet :the star , time stop 2 seconds

    31 March

  • avatar

    Ethan 梁殷諾the great Styler pro Lord

    Upgrade 2 alt : vestige , the world ! time stop 5 sec, increase precision 100% , trick shot kill 50 % chance

    31 March

  • avatar

    Ethan 梁殷諾the great Styler pro Lord

    Upgrade 2 : Vestige , the nihility : skip time 10 seconds, opponent can’t hit you but you can’t hit them during time skip , can see all opponents movement

    31 March

  • avatar

    Ethan 梁殷諾the great Styler pro Lord

    Here are some upgrades : upgrade 1 Tk34 And panzer tank launch invasion, spawns invisible tank to spam your opponent defences ,increase self armour , resistance and shield to 40 % for 3 minutes

    31 March

  • avatar

    Ethan 梁殷諾the great Styler pro Lord

    But if killed , it resets

    31 March

  • avatar

    Ethan 梁殷諾the great Styler pro Lord

    The ability to 5 has no cooldown no delay

    31 March
