Anna Kopylova
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#Residential-For the young and the daring 3d design renderings


Homestyler Floor Planner for Web

Create My Own Design

#Residential-For the young and the daring

Однокомнатная квартира для пары молодых людей, вся жизнь которых связана с работой в Интернете. Диван раскладывается и превращается в полноценную двухместную кровать. Есть шкафы для книг и для одежды. Туалетный столик для девушки встроен в шкаф. Балкон утеплён и превращён в зону спорта.

Floor Plan 44.51㎡

#Residential-For the young and the daring floor plan 44.51
#Residential-For the young and the daring 3d design picture 44.51
A one-room apartment for a couple of young people whose whole life is connected with working on the Internet. The sofa unfolds and turns into a full double bed. The dressing table for the girl is built into the closet. The balcony is insulated and turned into a sports area.

Space Showcase 17 Renders


Balcony 3d design renderings
Balcony 3d design renderings


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LivingRoom 3d design renderings
LivingRoom 3d design renderings
LivingRoom 3d design renderings
LivingRoom 3d design renderings
LivingRoom 3d design renderings


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Kitchen 3d design renderings
Kitchen 3d design renderings


Bathroom 3d design renderings

This home design project - #Residential-For the young and the daring was published on 2022-03-04 and was 100% designed by Homestyler floor planner, which includes 17 high quality photorealistic rendered images.

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