Karen Berry
badge Herostyler

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House Made of Sand 3d design renderings


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House Made of Sand

Rammed earth is a eco friendly technique that layers sandy, gravel, clay and silt into a presses construction which produces flat panels of beautiful earthy colours that is a successful resilient product used to construct houses and other buildings. Always slightly different from press to press this unique material has been used throughout this home and illustrates how beautiful it can look.

Plano de planta 533.22㎡

House Made of Sand floor plan 533.22
House Made of Sand 3d design picture 533.22
Single storey home consisting of a main open plan living area with kitchen and dining sections. Outside area with covered pool and seating pergola. Home office bedroom & bathroom. The house made of Sand has been decorated throughout in sand & clay coloured tones with small amounts of grey and black.

Exposicion 34 Renders

House Made of Sand 3d design renderings
Overlooking the costal plains the house is surrounded by a brick terrace area…complete with seating & small pool areas covered to offer shade from the sun. Exterior blinds add another layer of protection from the elements. The house is a blend of Sandy coloured rammed earth and grey concrete.
House Made of Sand 3d design renderings
House Made of Sand 3d design renderings
House Made of Sand 3d design renderings
House Made of Sand 3d design renderings
House Made of Sand 3d design renderings
The home is of irregular shapes utilising the thin boarded panels of rammed earth for 80% of its construction.


OtherRoom 3d design renderings
The home office area dressed in the palette of neutral tones.. that runs throughout the home.
OtherRoom 3d design renderings
OtherRoom 3d design renderings


Bedroom 3d design renderings
Warm sandy honey colours produce a relaxed feeling to the bedroom with duel aspect windows and access to the bathroom and home office.
Bedroom 3d design renderings
Bedroom 3d design renderings
Bedroom 3d design renderings
Bedroom 3d design renderings
Bedroom 3d design renderings


Terrace 3d design renderings
The side of the terrace with covered pagoda seating and outdoor fireplace.
Terrace 3d design renderings
Terrace 3d design renderings
Terrace 3d design renderings
The front area of the house has a covered walk way.


Bathroom 3d design renderings
The rammed earth produces a beautiful semi rough texture and is seen to great effect her in the shower room.
Bathroom 3d design renderings
Bathroom 3d design renderings
The rougher textures of the rammed earth are balanced out by combining the white honeycomb shape tiles that are found throughout this home.


LivingDiningRoom 3d design renderings
The kitchen is part of an open plan section that is completed by the dining area and lounge. Black has been introduced here for a little extra drama amongst the sand clay colours.
LivingDiningRoom 3d design renderings
LivingDiningRoom 3d design renderings
The hallway leads directly to the kitchen and is separated from the lounge by open work partitioning.
LivingDiningRoom 3d design renderings
Rammed earth wall’s really bring their own unique beauty to this home, especially in this lounge area.
LivingDiningRoom 3d design renderings
LivingDiningRoom 3d design renderings
LivingDiningRoom 3d design renderings
The hall and dining area.
LivingDiningRoom 3d design renderings
LivingDiningRoom 3d design renderings
LivingDiningRoom 3d design renderings

Este proyecto de diseño de la casa - House Made of Sand se publicó el y fue diseñado al 100% por Homestyler Floor Planner, que incluye 34 imágenes renderizadas fotorrealistas de alta calidad.

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