I was inspired by a kitchen I saw on ItalianBark.com and wanted to recreate the light, minimalist features with my own twist to the space. I added a large dining area to compliment the kitchen and welcome friends and family into the inviting atmosphere.
I wanted to showcase the kitchen and dining area, but wanted to ensure that they would accommodate a whole home behind it, so I built out the structure.
15 Renders
Peer into the kitchen from the back terrace
Top view of the dining space
Small peek into the foyer and living room
Dining and kitchen connection
Wine rack
Framing the view
Completely functional, but minimalist kitchen
Este proyecto de diseño de la casa - Tuscan Kitchen se publicó el y fue diseñado al 100% por Homestyler Floor Planner, que incluye 15 imágenes renderizadas fotorrealistas de alta calidad.
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