This is a tribute to lighthouse keepers of days gone by. They kept safe the men who worked the oceans. Not a job for the faint of heart, these men lived in the lighthouse and were never off duty. Today, all but one of the lighthouses in the U.S. are automated.
This lighthouse has 4 levels for living in addition to the crow's nest on top. Each level has 8 sides and spiral staircases. A boat gets the keeper to the lighthouse.
Space Showcase
23 Renders
The smallest level, 4, is where the study is
The keeper fills his down time with things like painting and reading
The 2nd level is the keeper's bedroom
Level 3 is the bathroom. Compact but everything in its place.
View from the Crow's Nest!
This is the first level and has the living, dining and kitchen facilities
This home design project - Lighthouse Keeper was published on 2023-09-13 and was 100% designed by Homestyler floor planner, which includes 23 high quality photorealistic rendered images.
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